+92 3122699633

Eazita API Documentation

Eazita is the easy & fast way to connects your apps/websites directly to carriers around the world, Eazita APIs allow developers to gain easy access to a range of Eazita mobile services. This document provides developers with instruction for integrating SMS, Voice Call, HLR Services into various solutions using Eazita HTTP application programing interface (HTTP API). Eazita’s application programming interface (API) provides the communication link between your application and Eazita’s Gateway, allowing you to send and receive text messages and to check the delivery status of text messages you’ve already sent & Send Voice Calls OR do HLR look-up. Getting started is free and simple. Signing up takes less than a minute and you’ll be up and running in no time at all. We’re developers too, So feel free to get in touch if you run into any issues – we’re here to help.

MT Messaging API

All requests are submitted through the HTTP POST or GET method, if you Send data through both GET and POST method then SMS will send through POST method.


Request URL





Status Code

After submitting a request to the eazita’s API, you will receive an response code and the response code will indicate the success or failure for your request on the eazita platform.

1The message was successfully accepted for delivery by eazita
-1Your request is incomplete and missing some mandatory parameters
-2The API Key / password you supplied is either invalid or disabled
-3Your eazita account does not have sufficient credit to process this message
-4Sender name is not allowed
-5Number is not recognized by our sms platform.
-6General error, reasons may vary
-7An error has occurred in the eazita platform whilst processing this message


Request URL





JSON single SMS response

  After submitting a request to the Eazita’s API, you will receive an response in json.

{"type":"Text","totalprice":"0.02","totalgsm":"1","remaincredit":"63.6433","messages": [

JSON multiple SMS response

{"type":"Text","totalprice":"0.05","totalgsm":"6","remaincredit":"63.6433","messages": [

Status Code

 After submitting a request to the eazita’s API, you will receive a response in JSON that includes response codes for each recipient and this code will indicate the success or failure for your request on the eazita platform.

1The message was successfully accepted for delivery by eazita
-1Your request is incomplete and missing some mandatory parameters
-2The API Key / password you supplied is either invalid or disabled
-3Your eazita account does not have sufficient credit to process this message
-4Sender name is not allowed
-5Number is not recognized by our sms platform.
-6General error, reasons may vary
-7An error has occurred in the eazita platform whilst processing this message